FiBS Backgammon Tournament OnlineFirst Internet Backgammon Server

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Last update 9 december 2007
Rules Summary :
Match Length = 13
Matchs unplayed at the end of each round will be posted as a null match.
A player with 2 consecutive null will be drop for the Tourney.
Round Planning :
1°/ Sunday 4 february - Sunday 18 mars
2°/ Wednesday 4 april - Saturday 19 may
3°/ Sunday 20 may - Sunday 1 jully
4°/ Monday 2 jully - Sunday 9 september
5°/ Monday 10 september - Sunday 28 october
6°/ Monday 29 october - Sunday 9 december
Final : Monday 13 november - Sunday 31 december
This year for the First time, there will be a final between the 2 best players.
The final will be played with two 13pts matchs and a last 15Pts Match if necessary.

If you want to read the Complete Rules

Swiss Fibs Tournament - Round 6/6

Final : Backwoods vs Tomawaky

WINNER : ??? 0-0

Standings (explanation of the columns here)

Place Name           Rtg Loc Club Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr. Berg. B-well    GP

  1   Backwoods,                  5        13.5  20.0   16.0 16.00  120.0 100.00
  2   Tomawaky,                   4.5      13.5  20.0   17.5 13.00  120.0  50.00
 3-4  magic_one,                  3.5      14.0  21.5   13.5  8.75  129.0  40.00
      KDP,                        3.5      11.5  15.5   10.5  6.75   93.0  38.10
 5-9  andreas_graf,               3        14.0  20.5   13.0  6.25  123.0  36.19
      samirah,                    3        13.5  20.0   12.0  6.00  120.0  34.29
      mradica,                    3        10.5  17.0    8.0  6.50  102.0  32.38
      adrian,                     3         7.0  14.0    8.5  5.75   84.0  30.48
      Rourke,                     3         7.0  12.5    8.5  8.50   75.0  28.57
10-11 gusssss,                    2.5      10.5  14.5    6.0  4.75   87.0  26.67
      BushSucks,                  2.5      10.0  13.5    6.0  3.75   81.0  24.76
12-14 jonasfrid,                  2        11.5  18.0    7.0  2.00  108.0  22.86
      moyang,                     2        10.0  15.5    7.0  3.00   93.0  20.95
      yes,                        2         3.0   9.5    4.5  5.50   57.0  19.05
15-23 penado,                     1         6.5   6.5    2.0  2.50   39.0  17.14
      diane,                      1         6.5   6.5    1.5  2.50   39.0  15.24
      aleksander,                 1         6.0   6.0    1.5  1.00   36.0  10.48
      dicemaster,                 1         6.0   6.0    1.5  1.00   36.0  10.48
      Martineesch,                1         6.0   6.0    1.5  1.00   36.0  10.48
      stog,                       1         6.0   6.0    1.5  1.00   36.0  10.48
      TepidSauce,                 1         5.5   5.5    2.0  2.50   33.0   5.71
      zax,                        1         3.5   9.5    1.5  2.25   57.0   3.81
      mano,                       1         2.5   7.0    1.5  0.75   42.0   1.90
 24   chopos,                     0.5      11.0  17.0    2.5  0.50  102.0       

Round 6

No Name          Total  Result   Name           Total

 1 Backwoods,     [4]      1:0    magic_one,  [3.5]
 2 samirah,       [3]      0:1    Tomawaky,   [3.5]
 3 andreas_graf,  [2.5]    =:=    KDP,        [3]  
 4 mradica,       [2]      1:0    moyang,     [2]  
 5 jonasfrid,     [2]      0:1    BushSucks,  [1.5]
 6 gusssss,       [1.5]    1:0    chopos,     [.5] 

Round 5

No Name           Total  Result   Name        Total

 1 Tomawaky,      [3.5]    0:1    Backwoods,  [3]  
 2 andreas_graf,  [2.5]    0:1    magic_one,  [2.5]
 3 samirah,       [2]      1:0    jonasfrid,  [2]  
 4 KDP,           [2]      1:0    gusssss,    [1.5]
 5 BushSucks,     [1.5]    0:1    mradica,    [1]  
 6 moyang,        [1]      1:0    chopos,     [.5] 

Round 4

No Name        Total  Result   Name           Total

 1 Tomawaky,   [3]      =:=    adrian,        [2.5]
 2 Rourke,     [2.5]    =:=    andreas_graf,  [2]  
 3 Backwoods,  [2]      1:0    samirah,       [2]  
 4 magic_one,  [2]      =:=    KDP,           [1.5]
 5 jonasfrid,  [1]      1:0    moyang,        [1]  
 6 gusssss,    [.5]     1:0    mradica,       [1]  
 7 chopos,     [.5]     0:1    BushSucks,     [.5] 

Round 3

No Name           Total  Result   Name        Total

 1 adrian,        [2]      =:=    Rourke,     [2]  
 2 andreas_graf,  [2]      0:1    Tomawaky,   [2]  
 3 yes,           [1.5]    =:=    samirah,    [1.5]
 4 moyang,        [1]      0:1    Backwoods,  [1]  
 5 mradica,       [1]      0:1    magic_one,  [1]  
 6 KDP,           [.5]     1:0    chopos,     [.5] 
 7 mano,          [.5]     =:=    zax,        [.5] 
 8 BushSucks,     [0]      =:=    gusssss,    [0]  
 9 jonasfrid,     [0]      1:0    BYE              

Round 2

No Name         Total  Result   Name           Total

 1 penado,      [1]      0:1    adrian,        [1]  
 2 TepidSauce,  [1]      0:1    andreas_graf,  [1]  
 3 Backwoods,   [1]      0:1    Rourke,        [1]  
 4 magic_one,   [1]      0:1    Tomawaky,      [1]  
 5 yes,         [1]      =:=    diane,         [.5] 
 6 aleksander,  [.5]     =:=    stog,          [.5] 
 7 dicemaster,  [.5]     =:=    Martineesch,   [.5] 
 8 samirah,     [.5]     1:0    BushSucks,     [0]  
 9 chopos,      [0]      =:=    mano,          [0]  
10 moyang,      [0]      1:0    gusssss,       [0]  
11 jonasfrid,   [0]      0:1    mradica,       [0]  
12 zax,         [0]      =:=    KDP,           [0]   

Round 1

No Name         Total  Result   Name           Total

 1 adrian,        [0]      1:0    mano,        [0]  
 2 Martineesch,   [0]      =:=    aleksander,  [0]  
 3 andreas_graf,  [0]      1:0    moyang,      [0]  
 4 mradica,       [0]      0:1    Backwoods,   [0]  
 5 BushSucks,     [0]      0:1    penado,      [0]  
 6 Rourke,        [0]      1:0    chopos,      [0]  
 7 diane,         [0]      =:=    samirah,     [0]  
 8 stog,          [0]      =:=    dicemaster,  [0]  
 9 gusssss,       [0]      0:1    TepidSauce,  [0]  
10 Tomawaky,      [0]      1:0    jonasfrid,   [0]  
11 KDP,           [0]      0:1    yes,         [0]  
12 zax,           [0]      0:1    magic_one,   [0]  

List of Players

No  Name           Rtg  Loc Club         

1.  adrian,                    
2.  aleksander,                
3.  andreas_graf,              
4.  Backwoods,                 
5.  BushSucks,                 
6.  chopos,                    
7.  diane,                     
8.  dicemaster,                
9.  gusssss,                   
10. jonasfrid,                 
11. KDP,                       
12. magic_one,                 
13. mano,                      
14. Martineesch,               
15. moyang,                    
16. mradica,                   
17. penado,                    
18. Rourke,                    
19. samirah,                   
20. stog,                      
21. TepidSauce,                
22. Tomawaky,                  
23. yes,                       
24. zax,     

Tie-Breaks are used to rank players within point groups. In other words to break ties between players on the same score. The following systems are most commonly used in Swiss tournaments and are supported by Swiss Perfect:

1. Buchholz

This is the sum of opponents' scores. The idea is that the same score is more valuable if achieved against players with better performances in a given tournament.

Looks like an ideal tie-breaking method and has been used since the Swiss system was invented.

However it has some weaknesses which are addressed by other methods (see Median-Buchholz, Progress, Berger below).

2. Median-Buchholz

Same as above but after leaving out the highest and the lowest scoring opponents. Swiss Perfect allows configurable number of highest and lowest scoring opponents to be left out (0,1 or 2)

Its idea is to eliminate distortions in Buchholz values caused by taking into account games against run-away winners and bottom placed players.

3. Progress

Calculated by adding points from a progress table eg if your scores were: Win, Loss, Win Draw then your progressive scores are 1, 1, 2, 2.5 and your Progress tie-break value is 6.5

This is an attempt to put a higher value on scores which were achieved by scoring better in the initial rounds than by finishing from behind. It is common knowledge that the latter is usually much easier to achieve.

The problem is that the order of the Progress tie-breaks is known before the last round (last round scores will change the actual value but not the order within a point group). This may encourage some undesirable tournament "tactics" in the last round.

4. Berger

This is calculated by adding scores of the opponents who were beaten by a given player and half the scores of the opponents who she drew with.

This has been adopted from round-robin tournaments and is usually used as a secondary method.

5. Number of Wins

Calculated by adding a point for a win and nothing for a loss or a draw.

Intended to discourage making quick draws. Popular in 70's and early 80's (particularly in round-robins). These days hardly justified.

6. Opponents' Rating Sum

Sum of the opponents' ratings. Uses the ratings ie presumed pre-tournament strength of the opponents rather than their performance in a given tournament. Also has the same problem with the last round as 'Progress'.

7. Minor Scores

The difference of minor scores FOR and AGAINST. An example of usage of minor scores is Othello (Reversi) where a minor score like 50-14 means that the winner finished with 50 pieces on the board and the loser with 14. Another example is a chess team tournament where the winning team receives 2 points, the losing team 0 as the main score and the sum of board scores eg 4.5 to 1.5 in a 6 board match is the minor score. Yet another example is goal difference in football / soccer.

Using minor scores as a tie break means that a player with a higher difference of the the FOR and AGAINST minor scores is ranked above the one with a lower difference. If a difference is identical then the one with greater value of minor score FOR is preferred. For example 120-100 is better than 90-70.

8. Brightwell

This tie-break is used in Othello (Reversi) and combines Buchholz with Minor Scores. It is the value of the Minor Scores FOR (in case of Othello this is the number of pieces the player scored, disregarding the number of pieces the oponents had) plus a configurable coefficient multiplied by the sum of opponents' scores (Buchholz).